Activity: Transursoaia Road

Transursoaia Road

Venture on an amazing motorcycle ride on Transursoaia Road in Romania.
The road snakes up to the Dark Hill and Belisului Valley to the village of Horea. You will be passing by Belis – Fantanele Dam, an artificial lake 990 m in altitude in Gilau Mountains, created with hydro energetic purposes.

In order for the Dam to be created during the communism times some of the villages had to be re-located.

Nowadays on dry season when the level of the water is lowered you can still see some of the ruins of the abandoned houses, the most famous being the ruins of the Giurcuta de Jos Church with its tower coming out of the water.

80 km of asphalt on a narrow mountain road offering some great riding that can take up to 1h30min.

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